Some Christians believe that Sunday, the first day of the week, has become the Christian Sabbath, for Jesus rose on that day. They transfer all the force of the Law of Moses dealing with the Sabbath to the Lord’s Day. On this view, we must not work on Sunday, but attend worship and feed on the Word of God together. Of course, as Jesus taught, works of mercy and of necessity are allowed. Others say that the New Covenant has set us free from the Law of Moses. They cite passages such as Romans 14:5-6, 10-13; Galatians 3:10-14. 24-25; 4:1-10; Colossians16; to show that Christians are no longer bound by the Mosaic Covenant. Perhaps we should hold on to a few basic certainties: The Lord God rested after working for six days, and consecrated that day. Jesus rose on the first day of the week, and Christians have always observed that day as the Lord’s, reserved for His honor and service. Those who set aside the Lord’s Day for worship, rest, and deeds of kindness almost always find it to be a day of true refreshment and renewal. When the Lord’s Day has been observed with faith and joy, true religion has tended to flourish. But when it has been neglected, or observed with legalism and a critical spirit, vital spirituality becomes rare. So let us remember one fact of central importance: The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath, and therefore Lord of all our moments, hours, days, seasons, and years. Shall we also not honor Him as the Lord of His special day? And shall we not cease from judging others for at least one day in seven?