Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for accusing His disciples of breaking the Sabbath law, because they misunderstood the Scriptures, the true purpose of the Sabbath, and His own unique person. Now He ends this exchange with an even more radical claim: As Son of Man, He is greater even than the Sabbath. “Son of Man” refers to the Daniel’s vision of a Being equal with God (Daniel 7:13-14). Jesus often applied this title to Himself, plainly declaring His divine identity. As Son of Man and Son of God, Jesus had authority even over the Law of God. He not only provided the proper interpretation of it (Matthew 5:21-48), but completely fulfilled it (5:17). If He allowed his disciples to do something on the Sabbath, they were guiltless. More than that: As Son of Man, Jesus has authority over all of time. He can determine what people do on the weekly holy day. He can also decide what we should do every other day! He is Lord of our moments and our days. Shall we love, trust, and obey Him as Lord of every moment of our lives? Or shall we join the Pharisees in rejecting Him and His people? Shall we seek every opportunity to draw closer to Him through worship, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, or go our own way, do our own work, and neglect both Jesus and His people?