God Strengthens

“In the day that I cried out, You made me bold with strength in my soul” (Psalm 138:3).

Without exception, we all encounter trouble (verse 7; Psalm 23:4). How will we respond? With fear that paralyzes us, or with faith that cries out to God for help?

Like all the psalms, this one points to Christ. He is God’s lovingkindness (grace) and truth embodied (verse 2; see John 1:14). Though he walked into trouble, even unto death, he was finally given new life at the resurrection (verse 7; see 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Truly, God “perfected,” that is, completed and fulfilled, everything that concerned him as recorded in the Old Testament (verse 8; see Luke 24:25-27; John 17:4).

And, in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he faced indescribably horrible trouble, he cried out to God in prayer, and was given boldness and strength in his soul to say, “Your will be done,” and thus to complete the mission that the Father had given him (see Matthew 14:34-42, 49).

Relying on his grace, may we do the same!

“The LORD will perfect [complete] that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever” (Psalm 138:8).