Ministry Update

Looking back over the past six months, I thank God for what he has done through us and our group. Here are a few highlights:

Writing and Editing

Articles on continue to be viewed by scholars around the world. I posted a major article on Augustine’s doctrines of grace in March.

“Books” online

Truth and Life: Doctrinal and Ethical notes on the Bible. I’ve been “filling in the gaps” in books I had started before, including Judges, 1 Kings, and John’s Gospel.

Casey Houseworth and I have also published two collections of book reviews:

  • Chinese Christianity: An Introduction to the Literature, and

  • The Missionary Movement in China: An Introduction to the Literature.

Go to Books — and scroll down until you find these titles.

Studies in Chinese Christianity: Three new volumes have come out this year. I spent a lot of time editing two of them. Four book reviews.

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity: Five stories.

Greek-Chinese Lexicon: I made corrections to 300 pages; only 35 remain to be checked. This reference work is also now available on three Chinese websites.

Carl Henry: Theologian for All Seasons was translated into Chinese and is slated to be published by Tien Dao in Hong Kong in July.

My abridgment of the last two volumes of Carl Henry’s God, Revelation and Authority has finally been translated and is to be published by Campus Press in Taiwan by the end of this year or early next year. We thank God for the hard work of several translators over more than a dozen years.


Lecture on Karl Barth to thirty university professors and to pastors enrolled in a D.Min. program in China.

Bible teaching via Zoom for two dozen pastors in India.

Personal Ministry

Conversations and correspondence with our partners and with Chinese and Western friends around the world.


We hosted a wedding in our home in March. The groom is a former member of Chinese Christian Fellowship at UVA and the bride is from Taiwan.

Marriage counseling: Several sessions with a couple from Taiwan, now in the U.S.

Prayer Mobilization

Let us know if you’d like to receive these:

  • Weekly prayer updates

  • Monthly email prayer letters

Conferences by Zoom

  • Conference on Christianity and Buddhism March 4-5.

  • Southwestern Regional conference of the Evangelical Theological Society, April 23-24.

  • Conference on Chinese Theologies sponsored by Yale, June 1-4. I presented a paper.

  • Yale-Edinburgh Group for the Study of Missions and World Christianity, June 22-24.

Along with reading, these conferences form an essential part of my continuing education.

“Pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints – and for me, that utterance may be given to me . . . to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:18-19).

Friends, none of this could have been done without the prayers of God’s people.

Will you continue to remember us before the throne of grace? We are engaged in spiritual warfare and constantly need divine wisdom and strength.