Sometimes God seems far away, hidden, even asleep.When we watch loved ones suffer the fearful onslaught of cancer; When we read of oppression, cruelty, torture; When heavy burdens weigh upon our weary shoulders; When bad habits and besetting sins won’t go away; When we struggle with loneliness and isolation; When the way seems too long, too hard, too steep – Then we wonder, Where is God? Does He not see? Does He not care? Yes, He knows, He sees, He cares. As when He allowed the bondage of the Israelites in Egypt to go on and on, and as when Jesus waited several days after He heard that Lazarus was ill before He went to Bethany, so now He has a purpose for His silence and apparent inactivity. Perhaps He means to turn our eyes away from this transitory world and towards our eternal hope. Perhaps He wants us to search out the root cause of our sinful actions. Perhaps He desires to show Himself the only true Friend. Perhaps He plans to rescue us from the jaws of death and demonstrate His mighty power through a miracle. Or maybe He intends us to enter into the sufferings of His Son Jesus, that we might more fully know Him. Whatever the cause, God will, in His time, arise. He does not forget the humble; He has seen our trouble and grief. He will act with power and with love. We can commit ourselves to Him, for He cares for us.