Welcome Rebuke

Most of us don't enjoy hearing criticism. When others point out our faults, we tend to turn away. We want to justify ourselves, defend ourselves, explain ourselves. But that doesn't help our relationships with others. They feel frustrated because we won't listen to them.We tend to treat God the same way: We avoid His warnings against sin and resist confessing our wrongs to Him. In several chapters of Proverbs, God's Wisdom speaks. Since the New Testament says that "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" are hidden in Christ, we can say that these words in Proverbs come from Him. The pre-existent Son of God tells us that if we turn to His rebukes, He will give us His Spirit and the knowledge of His words. What a promise! We can have the very Spirit of God given to us, and understand His words, if we will only accept His "criticisms," confess our sins, and turn towards Christ in faith.