We can see this merchant elsewhere in the New Testament. The Wise Men from the East sought Jesus and, when they found Him, offered their treasures at His feet (Matthew 2:11). When Jesus called them, Andrew and Peter left their fishing nets and their father and followed Him. Matthew, the author of this Gospel, deserted his lucrative tax-gathering business at Jesus’ command (Matthew 4:18-20; 9:9). Unlike her sister Martha, who was concerned with “many things,” Mary chose the one thing that was needful – listening to Jesus (Luke 10:41-42). Later, she expressed her single-hearted love for Him by pouring out precious perfume (probably her dowry) upon His body (John 12:3). The Apostle Paul gave up everything he had previously valued, considering it “garbage,” and made knowing Christ the “one thing” he pursued in life (Philippians 3:4-12). Jesus warned against the worship of Mammon, the god of this world. He told His disciples to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). He Himself sought only to do the will of His Father, even to the point of laying down His life. Shall we follow in the steps of those who forsook many “precious” things for the one pearl of great price?