Real Men (9)

A real man is just. That is, he is "honorable and fair in [his] dealings and actions…; consistent with moral right" (American Heritage Dictionary). He tells the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth. He does not give evasive answers. He does not mislead. You can trust what he says. He keeps his promises. When he makes a commitment, he does all he can to fulfill it. When he says he will do something, he does; when he agrees to meet you at a certain place at a certain time, he shows up, or calls to explain why he can’t. To do this, he will limit his obligations in order to be able to perform his duty well. In any event, he will not go back on his word. For a real man, duty comes before pleasure. He endures pain in order to serve others. He gives each person his due, even if he has to sacrifice his own comfort. As a husband, he loves his wife; as a father, he cares for his children; as a son, he honors his parents; as a sibling or neighbor, he does for others what he would have them do for him. As a worker, he does his job well and honestly. As a citizen, he prays for those in authority, votes, pays taxes, obeys the law, and seeks the good of his community and nation. As a Christian, he serves in the church. It goes without saying that a real man does not lie, steal, or cheat. Who can measure up to this standard? No one! "There is none righteous [just], no, not one" (Romans 3:10). What then shall we do? Admit our wrongs; ask God for mercy; trust in Christ, the only just man who ever lived. God will consider us just [righteous] by faith in Jesus, who died in our place. Believers in Christ can then ask Him to transform us into His image, that we might live "soberly, righteously [justly], and godly in this present age" (Titus 2:12).