Just an Ordinary Man?

As these words from His astonished neighbors demonstrate, Jesus was an ordinary man. He had a legal father, Joseph, and a biological mother, Mary. As a child, He was obedient to them, and He must have known their parental love. Like other children, He grew up, both physically and mentally. But He was not an only child. After He was born, Mary gave birth to other sons and daughters. Jesus knew all about family life, and must have listened to his siblings argue with one another, for only He was without sin. Watching His little sisters grow up, He gained insight into the feminine psyche. No wonder He could treat women with such kindness and sensitivity! From His earliest years, He learned how to lead, for He was the oldest son. It seems that His father died before Jesus entered His ministry, so He must have acquired experience in ruling a household. As the son of a carpenter, He learned his fathers trade, so that He was known as the village carpenter (Mark 6:3). This required Him not only to make and repair wooden implements and furniture, but to run a small business. Yes, Jesus was a man just like us. That is why He can understand all that we go through. Except that He knew no sin, He can “sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4:15) and enter into our joys. He knows.