Crowds had followed Jesus into the wilderness to hear His teaching and receive His healing touch. As the day waned, His disciples urged the Lord to disperse the multitude so that they could go to nearby towns and buy food. But Jesus would have none of that. “You give them something to eat!” He commanded. But they protested, “We have here only five loves and two fish.” Jesus had given them an impossible task! Surely, He must know how little food they had on hand. How could He expect them feed such a large number of people? Of course He knew! And of course He did not think they could complete this assignment – apart from Him! “Bring them [the loaves and fish] to Me,” He instructed. Then He worked a miracle so stunning that all four Gospel accounts record it in detail. Drawing upon His divine power, Jesus multiplied this meager meal so that five thousand men, plus their families, ate to satisfaction. Likewise with us. Our Lord often imposes “impossible” tasks upon us. He assigns jobs which we cannot do. He issues commands which we cannot obey. He lays burdens upon us which we cannot carry – apart from Him! Why? Not because He is cruel, but because He is kind. He intends to demonstrate His mighty power and His immense pity upon us and those around us. When we offer to Him our tiny strength and paltry resources, He magnifies and multiplies what we have, enabling us to “feed” multitudes of “hungry” people. All we have to do is trust Him.