Greater than Solomon

Jesus resembles Solomon in several ways: - They are both “sons” of King David (Matthew 1:1, 6). - They amazed people with their wisdom and answers to “insoluble” problems (1 Kings 3:1-28; Matthew 13:54; 22:15-46). - They spoke parables about nature and life in general (1 Kings 4:32-33; Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes; Matthew13:1-52) - They attracted seekers of wisdom from foreign lands (1 Kings 10:1-13; Matthew 15:30-32). But Jesus is incomparably greater than Solomon. Consider: - Solomon’s many wives turned his heart away from God, but Jesus remained both sexually pure and totally devoted to His Father in heaven and to His bride – the church (1 Kings11:1-4; Ephesians 5:25-30; Hebrews 2:18; 4:15). - Solomon died, was buried, and remained in his tomb; Jesus rose victoriously from the dead and left His tomb as an empty witness to his triumph (Matthew 28:1-8) - Solomon’s vast wisdom came as a result of his prayer to God (1 Kings 3:6-12); Jesus Himself the Word of God made flesh, in whom all the treasures of divine wisdom and knowledge reside eternally (John 1:1-3; Colossians 2:3). Indeed, He is the very Wisdom of whom Solomon spoke (Matthew 13:19; Luke 7:35; 1 Corinthians 1:24, 30; Revelation 7:12). Shall we turn our backs on Him, as His own people did, or shall we build our lives upon the rock of His teaching by listening to His words, believing His promises, and obeying his commands (Matthew 7:24-29; 28:18-20)?