Quoting from the prophet Isaiah (42:1-4), Matthew describes the earthly ministry of Jesus:- He was a self-conscious Servant of God. He came not to be served, but to serve (Matthew 21:28); not to do his own will, but that of the Father (26:39, 42). - He was empowered by the Holy Spirit (4:16, 12:28). - He intended to declare the good news of God’s just reign not just to the Jews but to all the nations – the Gentiles (8:5-12; 15:28; 29-39; 24:14; 28:19). - He spoke in the Temple of Jerusalem, in the village synagogues, by the seaside and in deserted places, but He did not “quarrel or cry out,” nor did He stir up trouble as an urban rabble-rouser, raising His voice “in the streets” (12:19). - He acted with consummate gentleness, not breaking a “bruised reed” or extinguishing “a smoking flax” (12:20). - He marched deliberately towards an ultimate victory, one which would vindicate the justice of God by - the self-sacrifice of the only righteous Man for the sins of His people (12:20; 1:21; 21:28). The result of such a peaceable, patient, and persistent campaign: “In His name the Gentiles will trust” (12:21). May we not only rely on this Servant of God for our salvation, but follow in His steps of service and sacrifice for others!