Follow Me (5)

Notice the promise: Jesus will make His followers fishers of men. He does not promise to make them wealthy, or healthy. He does not offer them fame, or comfort, or popularity, or pleasure. He only promises that they will attract men to God through faith in Christ. What does this promise tell us about the purpose of Christ in calling people to follow Him? It seems that Jesus intends to make His disciples into disciple-makers. We see this also from His last words to these same men: “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). In other words, Jesus’ goal in calling people to follow Him – aside from the primary aim of drawing them into intimacy with God through fellowship with Christ - is to use them to bring others to Him. If that is the case, should those who believe in Christ not align themselves with the will of God, and orient their entire lives towards one main objective – to attract others into that same communion with God that they enjoy through faith in Jesus? What a difference that would make! Instead of striving for success, or a good reputation, or material comfort, or even human love, Christians would seek first to draw others with them into the Kingdom of God. With that aim dominating all others, how our lives would change! We would gladly give up anything dear to us if that would help others come to know Christ. To make Jesus seem more attractive to others, we would ask God to transform us into better representatives of His Son in this world. Our greatest pleasures would come, not from getting, but from giving; not from self-indulgence, but from self-denial; not from success, but from sacrifice. The joy of seeing someone else enter God’s gracious kingdom would surpass all other pleasures – except our own delight in being with our Lord. If to “catch” others for Christ forms the center of God’s purpose for Christians, than to become better “fishers of men” should hold first place in our prayers. “O Lord Jesus, draw me closer to Yourself, that I might help others draw near to You. Amen.”