What did this Gentile woman do to elicit Jesus’ praise? First of all, despite His attempts to remain hidden in her village, she found Him out (Mark 7:24). Then, she came to Him, crying out, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.” Notice how she views Jesus: He is Lord, and rightful Son of David. What a contrast to the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders! She trusted in His goodness, that He would be willing to liberate her daughter, and in His greatness, that He would be able. When Jesus replied that He was sent primarily to serve God’s people, the Jews, she approached even more closely “and worshiped Him, saying, ‘Lord, help me!’” She refused to believe that He would not hear grant her request. Indeed, rather than being put off by His apparent indifference towards her, she worshiped Him. But Jesus tested her one more time by reminding her that she was a Gentile, and thus not entitled to the same treatment God had promised the people of Israel. She admitted that point, and did not try to dispute with Him, but held on to her trust in His inherent generosity towards all who came to Him for help: “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” This combination of humility and desperate boldness demonstrated that she possessed true faith in Christ, and gained her daughter’s deliverance and healing. Oh, to be like this unnamed woman!