Jackson Wu’s book raises important questions for Christians who want to communicate the Christian message among Chinese people.
Lessons from James Legge's Career
Though he died more than a hundred years ago, James Legge has left several volumes of translations of all the major early Chinese classics. Scholars may criticize some aspects of his work, but on the whole they acknowledge the translations and commentaries as both a monumental achievement and a resource for us today. Aside from the books themselves, Legge’s legacy includes valuable lessons for us.
China Views: The War on Drugs, with Chinese Characteristics
China Views: Who Moved the Cheese?
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China Views: A Broader View of the Church in China
China Views: Housing
Recently, a friend wrote to us asking for our reaction to a story on “60 Minutes” that described the housing situation in China, particularly the cost of housing, the over-building of housing, and the incongruity of rising housing prices in the face of large numbers of new apartment buildings standing empty.