Points of Contact: Confucianism and Christianity

Points of Contact: Confucianism and Christianity

With the influence of Confucius and Confucianism once again rising in China, Christians must find effective avenues of approach to deal with this pervasive cultural force. As with other elements of any culture, Christians can take several possible stances: They can utterly ignore Confucianism; totally reject it; assimilate it into Christianity with little critique; or affirm certain aspects of it while challenging, correcting, and even replacing others with biblical truth.

The Highest Priority for China Missions Today

The Highest Priority for China Missions Today

Every issue of the Evangelical Missions Quarterly repays careful reading, but this article seems to have special relevance for those engaged in ministry to Chinese.In this hard-hitting and, well-argued essay, a veteran Korean missionary issues an urgent, compelling call to the church to re-evaluate its missions priorities. In my opinion, his insights apply with special force to the Chinese situation.